Noah Ebbeling, senior, poses with Mr. Jason Lenon.

Interview with Mr. Jason Lenon, Secondary Math/Spanish Teacher
Conducted and written by Noah Ebbeling, Journalism & Yearbook senior student
Edited by Mr. Zane Harding, Journalism & Yearbook Teacher

Today, we continue our spotlight series produced in our own high school Journalism & Yearbook course. This time, we have a Staff Spotlight!

We begin our staff spotlight series with an interview by senior Noah Ebbeling with Mr. Jason Lenon.

Tell us about how your love for math developed.
To be fair I’ve always been a black and white person. So, for math, you're either right or wrong and there isn’t really any subjectivity. I just liked how it’s just really straightforward.

How about your love for Spanish? How did that grow? And what did you learn whilst studying abroad?

As far as my love for Spanish, I’ve always thought that it was really important to communicate in another language. I have always been involved in Spanish, especially with soccer and how significant it is to the Spanish community. I lived in Spain studying abroad, and I guess I really learned to be comfortable doing things on my own and growing as a person. I loved to be immersed in an area where I had to learn and only use another language. While I was there, my language learning capability pretty much went through the roof, along with my overall appreciation for different countries and cultures.

Tell us about one of your personal interests. (I hear you got a new tattoo recently?)

With my personal interests, I’ve always been very involved in sports which include golf, basketball, and soccer. I feel like it had allowed me to meet people my age and it’s been a lot of fun. And yes, [my] tattoos are a work in progress.

What do you like about Onekama versus growing up in Rockford? What do you miss?

I like the amount of access that students have to us as teachers and really enjoy seeing the growth of students each year. I also enjoy how athletes are able to play multiple sports. As far as what I miss, I miss being close to my family.

And finally — tell us about your dog.

Diggy is a pitbull mastiff who loves to wrestle and beat me up. I always make sure to spend a good chunk of time with him everyday because he’s my best friend and because he’s nine years old and a good boy.

Thank you, Mr. Lenon, for being our first teacher featured in this series! We look forward to bringing more Staff Spotlights to the website in the near future.